The Outsourcing or administration of wages provides a confidential and efficient Service to the Client in the settlement of wages of its personnel for the confidential, general and/or temporary payroll.


  • To support the area of Human Resources of the Client in its internal management, focusing on the consulting within its Organization, which allows to give added value to the Internal Client.
  • To give a personalized, highly confidential, efficient and timely service.


  • Strict confidentiality in the wages of the Client Enterprise.
  • Advisory and consultancy services in matters of Wages according to the valid labor and social security regulation.
  • It allows to rationalize and redistribute the administrative work that is carried out in the Human Resources and Finance areas of the Client enterprise.
  • Decrease in costs of infrastructure, materials and administrative personnel, among others.
  • Access to the Self-help Website Portal for the workers of the Client.


Calculation and elaboration of Settlements:

It consists of the calculation, simulation and elaboration of settlements according to the valid legal regulation

Handling of Medical Licenses:

It consists of the handling of the worker’s medical licenses of the Client in the corresponding institutions

Lifting and Regularization of the Contractual Situation:

It allows for the lifting of the contractual documentation of the worker’s files, the issuance of a report with the state of the same and the regularization for the fulfillment of the valid legal regulation and the client enterprise politics.

Payment to institutions in agreement:

It consists of the payment to the institutions in agreement with the Client, of the discounted values to the remunerations of their workers and/or contributions funded by the employer as kind of additional benefits.

Regularization and Payment of the delayed quotations:

It consists of the calculation, handling and payment of the delayed quotations of Client’s workers, in a present manner in the different institutions.

Yearly operations and income tax return, elaboration of the 1887 form of Chile’s Internal Taxation Service (SII):

It consists of the lifting and consolidation of the information of the income of the Client’s workers. It also consists of the reconciliation and validation with N°29 forms of the present year, generation of the consolidated file, sending of the information to the SII (Chile’s Internal Taxation Service), and generation of Income Certificates for the workers.

Additional Bank Electronic Transfer:

It consists of the transmission of payroll services through electronic banking of the wages, social security quotations or other payments of the Client’s workers.

We recruit, evaluate and hire every technical professional or administrative personnel that is required by the labor market. The process is rigorous and confidential, and it is based in a work together with the Client.

Our objective in this service is to respond to the needs of the market with formed professionals that possess not only values, ethics and a high level of responsibility, but also professionals shaped in the knowledge (the knowing), the skills (the doing) and commitment (the wanting) for their daily management.

We are efficient in the process because we count on great level professionals with proven experience.

Stages of the Process:

  • Analysis of the Job Position Profile
  • Psychometric Evaluation
  • Personal Interview
  • Issuance of the Psychological Work Profile

The Head Hunting Service is of high confidentiality, it is focused on the research and selection for strategic job positions of a company, preferably high level managerial job positions or highly qualified technical professionals.

The research is done in the active labor market, regarding to the business area that the Client wishes to intervene. The contact with the professionals invited to participate in the process is direct and very discrete.